Free Virtual Bouquet.
Looking for a special ecard? Arrange your own bouquet, choose a vase, write a card and send your free virtual bouquet by email to your friend, girlfriend, ...
Free Google Adsense Generator.
Beware of huge fake Google Adsense income screenshots being posted in forums by bloggers. You will be surprised how easy it is to create a fake Adsense earnings screenshot without any photoshopping skills and mislead unsuspecting readers.
Now there is an even easier way using a free online tool called Google Adsense Generator which can roll out a real-looking, but fake Google Adsense earnings screenshot, with all identifying details blacked out, based on the income you specify.For more information about Google Adsense Generator check out
Free Logo Generator. free logo generator. This tool is very easy to use. The result is a logo with a text reflection.
Roman Alphabets To Old Malay Script (Jawi) Online Converter.
This Jawi Converter is based on the phonetic of the Malay language. The conversion of foreign languages to Jawi, other than the Malay Language (Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and Southern Thai), are not accurate.It's free to try
Free Fonts To Download.
Over 6500 free fonts you can download to your computer and use for free. These are free TTF fonts made to work with any PC or Windows Based Operating System.
After downloading any of these free TTF fonts to your computer you must install them in the "Font" file folder of your Windows file folder found under the C: drive in your Windows Explorer program. Your Windows file folder, found under the C: drive of your Windows Explorer program, is often listed as "WINDOWS" or "WINNT." Under your WINDOWS or WINNT file folder you will see a folder listed as "Fonts." Simply drag and drop any of the fonts you download to your computer into your "Fonts" file folder. You will then be able to use any of these free fonts within any program on your computer.
How To Integrate 'Digg This' Button to Blogger Blog.
You know How to Integrate 'Digg this' button to blogger blog.
I will show you how to add them all by adding one button. This button calls Add This.
1. Firs of all you need to register on Add This
2. After registration you need to log in to Add This and click 'GET THE ADDTHIS BUTTON'
3. To create your button, simply select the options that best fit your needs below.
All buttons are free for everyone.
As we are talking about Blogger blogs, I will show you how to do it for Blogger:
Which kind of button? - Sharing and Bookmarking
Which look? - chouse your button look, I like this one:
Where? Where do you want to put the button? - on a Blog
Blogging Platform: - Blogger
It must look like this:
4. Click: 'Get Your Free Button'
5. You will get a code. I like drop-down menu, so I choose that one.
Integrating Button to Blogger post
1. Go to your Blogger account.
2. Click 'Layout' --> Edit 'HTML'
3. Backup your template!
4. Check Expand Widget Templates
5. Copy-and-paste the code of your AddThis Button into the contents of your template, right after the <div class='post-footer'>
Add The Music Playlist To Blogger. is a free service. is a free service that lets you create playlists of songs you want and share them with friends. Additionally, you can download free MP3 song files from new artists, learn about concerts, watch videos uploaded by artists and much more. The community run web site lets you follow changing music tastes and access popular songs. The service is in beta at the time of writing.
Create a playlist of songs and add it to your blogThough there is a glaring orange signup button when you go to iLike homepage, you actually don't need to register for an account just to create a playlist of songs. Point your browser to www. (click that link). You can now start creating the playlist - follow the five steps outlined in the image below.
Step 1: Enter a name for the playlist - this can be anything you want. A descriptive name is recommended.Step 2: Search for a song by either entering an artist or the song name in the search field.
Step 3: Search results will be listed. I recommend trying to locate a song by its name because if the search is performed on the artist's name, only 10 results will be displayed and the song you are looking for might not be shown. Click on the "Add" button to include the song in the playlist.Step 4: Organize your playlist. You can also reorder the song listing by either entering a new order number or using the conveniently provided arrow buttons. To delete a song from the list simply hit the "Delete" (the one with the cross) button.
Step 5: Click on the large "Done" button when you are satisfied with the playlist and are ready to add it to blogger.The next page shows you how the playlist is going to look on a web page - on Blogger, as we shall see, the playlist is added as a widget which you can place at different positions on the web page. You also get the direct link (the URL) of you playlist on website. With a single click you can also put the list on your Facebook profile page or tweet it on Twitter (where else?). You don't need to fiddle around with the HTML code if you just want to include the playlist on Blogger.
Add the music playlist to blogger
Click on the large "Add to Blogger" button in the middle of the page. A new browser window shall open in which you need to enter your blogger username and password. You will now find yourself in the Layout -> Page elements page. Place the playlist in the blog as you want and save the changes. Note: it's added as a widget. Review your blog and tell everyone about it.
"Digg This" Button To Your Blogger Blog.
This is how it will look like:
Go to Blogger Dashboard.
Go to Layouts and click on Edit Html subtab of Template tab.
Backup your template to PC.
Then put a check in Expand Widgets Template box at top of Edit Template text box and scroll down to the blog posts widget body to this line :
located above.<div id='digg'><script type='text/javascript'>
digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';
digg_title = '<data:post.title/>';
digg_window = 'new';
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/></div>
located above:#digg {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
#digg {
float: right;
margin-left: 5px;
That's all...
Make Link Exchange Box.
<textarea name="textarea" cols="20"><a href=""><YourImageHere" width="90" height="17" border="0" /></a></textarea>
How to make Link Exchange Box ??? Just copy and paste the code.Change blue text and YourImageHere with yours.
Free Auto Motivator.
AutoMotivator is for making printable motivational posters or parody demotivational posters. You choose the picture, colors, and text, and we make your poster. You can even get the poster you create printed at poster size directly from here Auto Motivator with a single click.
Create Your Own Classic Superhero.
HeroMachine lets you create your own superhero. From dress, to hair, to weapons, HeroMachine 2.5 is the ultimate tool in making fantasy entertainment real.Spent too many sleepless nights fantasizing about your dream superhero? Well, now you can do something about it with HeroMachine. Make your character a reality with HeroMachine Classic.It's free to try here....Make My Own Super Hero
Free Rank Widget.
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Revo Uninstaller helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.Revo Uninstaller - innovative freeware uninstall utility....
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Become A Better Blogger With BlogCatalog.
Blog Catalog is the premiere social blog directory on the internet. Search, Browse, Rate and Review thousands of blog sites.Blog Catalog is the place for you to connect with other bloggers, become a better blogger, attract more blog readers, participate in groups and discussions, find the latest tools for your blog, and much more!...Blog Catalog
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For more information
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Get your very own flag counter with just one line of HTML code. Flag counters are fast, fun, reliable, and best of all, free of charge!
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What's a shoutbox? Shoutbox a.k.a tagboard/chatbox, is an easy to use messaging system that allows you to interact with others instantly. A shoutbox can be placed on your blog or website. Your visitors can then easily post comments in it. They can also use the shoutbox to chat with you and other visitors at the same time.There is very much site provide this service. One of them is
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A web widget is a mini-web application you can put in your web page, blog or social profile that can quickly and easily provide you with extra functionality and lots of fun, it's free.....
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Free Fishing Knots.(Fishing)
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Free Automotive Widget.
Now you can add the latest photos from Motor Trend and many more automotive widget right into your website or personal web space. Select a size option below and click the “Grab It” button to plug this widget into any webpage.Grab more free desktop & web widgets here....
Free Battle of Blogs.
You can try to place your link at Battle of Blogs. Battle of Blogs is a link directory but they provide the different way. They combine game and the link directory. It is very interesting because there is a winner when one blog gets the best position in the directory. There are daily winner, weekly winner, monthly winner and yearly winner. Are you interested? Visit and add your blog for free.
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Create Your Own “word clouds” .
Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.Create your own here.....
Free Service Making Speech Bubbling Easier Than Ever.
Kyolo is a free service making speech bubbling easier than ever.
"Bubbled pictures" are stored on Kyolo's website, and may be sent to friends or inserted into blogs, web pages or forums.....
Free Photo Editing Online Service. is a free photo editing online service. You can make it funny using LoonaPic effect or embed your face from the photo to the various templates, add photo frame or just trim it. In other words, we can help you to make your photo funny and unique. And, notice, it is easy and free!
New Version of AVG Anti Virus.
You can download it here.
This link was a little bit hidden in the reminder they sent, because the emphasis is on the full version which you have to pay for. But the free version is fine for me. I’ve had a couple of virus problems that it has dealt with very efficiently, so I’m sticking with it.
Make Your Own Tag.
TinyTags is for generating a little tag graphic with text on it. After you make your tag, you can download it to your computer or save it to Flickr or ImageShack with a single click.......
Increase Loading Speed.
Visual Page Rank Viewer.
Car Tips.
Flush and refill your radiator every two years.
Check your antifreeze, when you check your oil.
Keep electrical and duct tape in your glove box. A friend of mine backed into a stump in the woods. They were getting a Christmas tree. Their muffler came loose and they duck taped it till they got home. Held great. The tape was a life saver.
Remove rust spots on your car’s bumper, by crumpling up tin foil, and dipping into coke.
Use a paste of baking soda to clean away corrosion on car battery terminals without having to use a wire brush.
When you purchase a new car, Spray the upholstery and carpeting with Scotch Guard. Clean up later will be a snap.
Put and old shower curtain under a baby seat, to catch all crumbs when they eat.
You can clean out all hard to get to places with a q- tip.
Put a bag of kitty liter in your trunk in the winter time. Great traction to help you get out of the snow.
When going camping toss a plastic tub with a lid in the trunk. Then when you need to wash clothes toss in some laundry soap, water and your clothes. Drive around town. When you return your laundry should be done.
You can use coffee filters to wipe windows and mirrors. Their lint free.
You can use a hair dryer on a bumper sticker, for a few minutes to remove them.
If you lock yourself out of your car, use a coat hanger to get in. Take an straighten a hanger, fashion a loop and work between the window and the door. Use the hoop to hook the door lock and pull it up.
You can coat a clean and dry car battery terminal, with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion
You can clean leather upholstery with cold cream. Put some on a rag and rub in then wipe.
Carpet stains you can use club soda.
Bugs on cars. You can use baking soda on a moist sponge. It stiffens them up.
Rust on the wheels. You can use an S . O. S. pad.
Car white walls. You can use basin tub and tile cleaner. Rub good.
For interior car rugs, you can use plush rubber back bathroom rugs.
Lost gas cap. Usually the attendant will have it. Ask her.
Need gas fill up in the morning, before the hot sun comes out. You’ll get 5 % more. Gas expands later.
Use Rain X on the windows. You’ll be able to see anything a car splashes at you.
Need your car painted. Call the Tech school. They need the practice, much cheaper, and are supervised.
Frozen door locks, use W D 40.
You can use a polish on your car, and you won’t have any white powder residue.
To stop your car from fading, wax it every 6 months. Wash it once a week.
Caught in traffic snack
1 graham cracker spread with peanut butter.
You can use a dust mop head to wash your car with.
Scratches you can cover, with a crayon in the color of your car. Just go lightly across. Then when you can find a scratch remover use that. But this will do just fine in the meantime.
Brighten A Room With Neon Signs.
Well, why not buy some of those fun neon signs you can buy quite cheaply these days? You know : either they say "bar" in glowing pink neon light, or "living room" or whatever you want.
As a twist, buy a neon sign in someone's name for their next birthday - literally light up the event with neon!
Learn An Instrument Quickly.
Improve Your Karaoke Singing.
But with a little know how you can improve the chances that you will sing something half distance that will give enjoyment and not pain to those lucky enough to be in the audience at karaoke night!
Here's a good tip from Chris a reader of Tell Me How on just how to improve your singing on karaoke nights:
Before singing open your mouth as wide and then bob out you tongue as far as possible,hold for five seconds and repeat three to four times.
This will enable you to get the best out of your singing voice. (if its good enough for Diana Ross what more can I say)
Be A Successful Entrepreneur.
The biggest, single thing you should consider doing when launching your first new company is to play to your strengths.
Sounds obvious? Well, a large percentage of people who set up a new company do so outside of their industry of expertise. This already leaves them at a disadvantage.
When you start a new business, there are so many hats you have to wear and roles to undertake, you should make sure that you choose a business or sphere that you know inside out.
Once you do that, the trick is to get other people to want you help out with the other areas that are not covered by your genuine talents.
Make Money On Football Betting.
Here's how:
At the end of the season, there is no reason for teams in the middle of the table to play well - they are safe, with no chance of promotion or relegation. Use this to your advantage, by betting on the number of red cards in a match (all bookies offer this now). Where there is a clash between two mid-table teams, there is unlikely to be as many red cards as in a normal game due to lack of passion for the result. But many bookies do not take this into account. Bet on a 2-card or less game, and you will find towards the end of the season, more often than not, this is an excellent bet!
Avoid Training Injury (Footballer).
- ensure that your boots are comfortable, and not too tight or too loose. If they are you are likely to get injured.
- ensure that you do not train whilst too tired - this can contribute to injury and create soreness the next day
- even though it's just training, still ensure that you warm up properly for the game.
Advice For Those Who Want To Become Models.
Agencies are bodies that will help to promote you around the modelling circuit and to help you get castings. They want you to be successful since this is how they get their money - they take a commission from what you earn.
But because of this, competition to get on their books is fierce, and because if they don't think you can make them money - i.e. that you won't get offered much work, then they will not take you onto their books.
One thing you should be aware of is agencies that ask you to pay to join them. You should never ever pay to join an agency - the decent ones will pick you because they think you will be a success, and hence will make money for them that way. Steer clear of any alternatives.
Your portfolio is your selling tool as already mentioned, and as such should contain a mix of shots. A portfolio of between 12 - 20 pictures is ideal, and should include normal natural shots, as well as sporty ones, outdoor, indoor, swimwear, face, full body, lingerie, swimwear.
If you are successful and get on the books of an agency, then they will promote you to castings. These can have a few or lots of models attending and you will be competing against them for the job. Often they are after a certain look, perhaps the 'cute' look, and it will vary from job to job.
Or if its a hair care magazine, then of course your hair will be particularly important. It really does depend greatly. You are usually given a brief before a job so you can choose what you wear beforehand and take relevant clothes.
Earn From Your Foreign Language.
Whilst in the country it is often beneficial for them to live with someone who speaks a little of the language even if their english is good.
This can be good for you too as you get to practice your skills in that language and the lodger knows that you are likely to have an interest in them their language and culture.
They also tend to be very reliable and therefore why not take in a froeign student or business person who is looking for someone to stay local and get paid to practice your language skills!
Build My Confidence.
The most important single thing you need to be confident is to build a higher opinion of yourself.
Most feelings of lack of confidence stem from some sort of comparative inferiority to others, as perceived by ourselves. For instance in a meeting we're not confident enough to speak because we think our contribution is stupid and that others might laugh, or just that everyone is better and will come up with ideas that are better.
We might not ask someone out to dinner because we don't think we're good enough for them and they want someone better.
It's a common and typical pattern, and it can also be paralysing and prevent happiness, confidence and success all into one.
The first step therefore is to realise simply that we are all equal and we all have equal rights in the most important of respects.
The next step is to realise that you are all that you need. That's not a cryptic statement - it means that you are complete in yourself and therefore can stop searching for improvement, by removing hurdles to your goals those improvements will happen automatically.
Allow Pop Ups With Google Toolbar.
However there may be times where the pop up contains valuable information - for instance is used to enable you to make a download that you want to make, or something similar.
In this case the blocker will still block, but you can override this on a site by simply clicking control when you click on the link. By pressing the ctrl key the blocker will temporarily be removed and the pop up allowed. As simple as that!
Get Your Dream Job.
So, if you want to make sure that the job is yours, what is the one thing that you need more than anything else?
It may surprise you but the answer is confidence. If you are confident it gives more kudos to your answers, and the employer is more likely to buy into the idea that you have the requisite skills for your role.
So, walk tall, smile and embue yourself with confidence. It can be a good idea to gently psyche yourself up before an interview.
Bottom line: if you are confident in yourself, then the interviewer will be too.
Develop Your Mind.
The reason is that the more words you have in your armoury, the more sophisticated and varied the thoughts that you can have and enjoy.
This in turn leads to the development of your mind and mental faculties.
Therefore spend a little time each day, just five minutes or so, learning new words.
There are many word of the day sites on the internet that will make this task easy!
Bottom line: you will be able to communicate even better, and feel the satisfaction and results that accompany this!
Acquire New Skills Quickly.
This might be because of a new job you want to go for, or simply because you are made redundant and want to re-train and do something else.
One of the best ways to get a new skill quickly is to throw yourself in at the deep end.
This is often used by those learning a new language for example, through a total immersion course.
If you go to the country and have to physically speak the language to live, then the incentive to work it out is rather more important than listening to a cassette tape on the way to work telling you how to get to the airport in your language of choice!
Similarly with other skills - total immersion and actively doing something that forces you to display or develop a particular skill can be the best way to learn. Therefore as scary as it might be, throw yourself whole-heartedly into developing in your desired direction, and success is much more likely to come along.
Flexibility Means Career Development.
So to succeed and progress in the modern working world, one needs to be flexible above anything else.
This means that you need to really focus on your transferable skills - hard skills are of course important for a particular job, but if you have those at the exclusion of softer skills you run the risk of being out of a job and not being employable.
The sort of skills, therefore, that you need to work on all the time are your communication skills and your interpersonal skills. These are key not only in getting you the next role, but of course in most jobs as well.
If you focus on developing these at all times, then you will put yourself in a great position in the modern working environs.
Answer An Exit Interview.
However some people see the exit interview as the place to get everything off their mind perhaps about how bad their job was, how rubbish the company is.
Don't do this; even if it is how you feel you should maintain your personal integrity and good relations with your former employer.
You may need a reference from then in the future and certainly when you are going it is too late to have anything done to rectify what caused you to leave.
Therefore be honest but try not to be too emotive and go overboard.
Always stick to the facts and you will not go far wrong in an exit interview.
Fitness Program Tips.
At first people tend to be very motivated with their program and set hard targets. They just about achieve these, but soon get disillusioned as the initial thirst for success wears off.
Therefore you should try to start slowly; with just one or two sessions each week. Only once you have done this for a couple of months and are able to stick to it should you consider adding another session.
A Healthy Diet To Prevent Diabetes.
It is also suitable as a diet to use for steady, gentle loss of weight if you are looking to combine the two.
* Grain - 6-11 servings per day (Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta)
* Vegetables - 3-5 servings per day
* Fruits - 2-4 servings per day
* Milk - 2-3 servings per day
* Meat - 4-6 ounces per day (Meat, eggs, fish, dried beans, nuts and peanut butter)
* Fats, Sweets - Occasional treats
Advertise Your Online Business.
The only exception may be as a well known and established company, but for anyone else and certainly the small internet shop looking to sell information and make money online, then you need to advertise.
Good places to try include newsgroups that are related to your target audience, giving you so-called warm leads, and also bulletin boards and forums related to your topic.
The beauty is these are nearly always free to join and you know that other people who come are actively interested in your target market - persistence over time therefore means a great opportunity.
Key tip: take an active part in the forums don't just see them as somewhere to advertise. Get to know the regulars and help out where possible and they might turn into customers themselves and recommend you to others.
Change A Lightbulb Safely.
The bottom line is that it can be dangerous to change a lightbulb, and one major reason for this is that with some lights you will not be sure whether the electricity is on or off.
If you press a light switch and nothing happens, did the bulb blow just then - in which case the light is now on - or did it actually blow last night - in which case you have just switched it off?
Therefore to be extra safe before changing a lightbulb, follow these two tips:
Change the bulb during day light so that you can clearly see what you are doing
Switch off the lights circuit for your house or that part of your house if you have more than one circuit before changing
That way you know that the light will not be switched on - there is nothing more disconcerting - and also dangerous - than the light coming on in your hands as you plug it in!
Make A Tiny Room Seem Bigger.
Here are two simple tips that are great and can really work to help you make the most of the space particularly when it comes to selling and not having the room seen as something of a negative or too small.
The first tip is to use a thinly striped vertical pattern on the wall. The way that this takes the eye creates the illusion of there being more space in the room, therefore helping achieve your aim of making it seem bigger.
The second tip is used and beloved of restaurants and other venues throughout the land - good use of mirrors.
A well placed mirror on the wall will flood the place with more light and give the impression of a much airier and larger room.
Use these two tips well and you can make almost any room seem to have reasonable space!
Cellulite Reduction at Home.
Do exercises that will help you loose weight on your legs and buttocks. Do special exercises to improve muscles in your thighs like walking, cycling, climbing stairs, yoga and pilates. Once there is a build up of muscles cellulite will disappear. Muscles will stretch the skin and smoothen the dimples appearance. Massaging the areas that have cellulite will increase circulation and break the fat up. You can use a body brush or use a body wash or exfoliator while bathing. This will also increase circulation. Use aromatherapy oils like sage, cypress and juniper help in cellulite reduction. Wearing pantyhose helps to reduce cellulite. Wear those that are body shaping and contour your thighs. Pantyhose press the fat and help circulation. There are pantyhose specially made to help reduce cellulite. Make a body wrap at home using coffee and seaweed to reduce cellulite. Spread warm ground coffee on the troubled areas, wrap with moist seaweed and then cover with plastic wrap. Keep this on for about half an hour. Unwrap and wash off in the shower, while doing so massage the area. There are a number of commercial products too that you can use to reduce cellulite. It is important to have a healthy diet and exercise regularly to prevent the buildup of cellulite.
Hair Care Secrets.
- Do not shampoo your hair everyday. Hair that has not been washed for a day or two is easier to style. Infact washing your hair once every two or three days will actually make your hair healthy. Washing your hair everyday robs hair of essential oils and dries your scalp and hair.
- If you have oily hair squirt water at the roots. Water adds lift to the hair roots. You can sprinkle some baby powder to the roots of the hair as well. For dry coarse hair condition the ends of your hair well every time you wash them.
- If you want to tie your hair up in a bun, keep the bun loose. Finger comb your hair into a low disheveled bun.
- For sexy wavy hair use a sea salt spray. Mix sea salts in water and fill a spray bottle. Squirt sea salt on damp hair, scrunch your hair and let it air dry. As most of us have hair that has a natural wave and the sea salts will bring it out.
- While blow-drying your hair finger comb your hair and separate the tangles with your fingers. Dry your hair in this manner till your hair is almost dry and then use a brush.
- Bangs are the in thing. Layering hair with bangs is the perfect hairstyle. Keep the bangs thick and heavy or choose side-swept bangs. Side-swept bangs paired with long layers look beautiful.
- Coloring your hair is another hair treatment option. It is a nice change from the way you normally look. But choose a hair color that will suit your skin color. Ask a professional to help you choose the right color for your skin tone.
- Cut your hair in layers, this will make you look a lot younger.
- While curling your hair before using Velcro rollers use curling irons. Squirt your dry hair with styling spray and then
- Color your hair regularly. Color your hair every 28 days by doing this you may actually prevent your hair from getting damaged.
- For shiny hair add a few drops of shine serum to water and squirt it on to your hair.
Home Pedicure.
Like the nails on your hand the nails on your feet too need to be taken care of. You can give yourself a pedicure at home. Given below are the steps to follow for a home pedicure.
- Remove old nail polish completely. Using cotton balls leaves traces of cotton on your nails try using cotton bands instead. Soak the cotton band with acetone remover and remove the old polish. If the color is not coming off the press the cotton on to the nail and let it soak for a while.
- It is always best to use high quality clippers to cut your toenails. Cut your nails straight across, leaving about 1/8" of length. Do not let your nail extend over the tip of your toe.
- For a soft square shape, file the nail around the corners in one direction. Use emory boards and not metal files, as metal files rip nails. The smoother surface is for smoothing the nail edge while the coarser surface is for shortening and shaping nails.
- Fill a big flat-bottom bowl with warm water. Add bath salts, aromatherapy oils or Epsom salts and let your feet soak for to minutes. The more calloused your feet are the longer they need to stay soaked. Add about quarter cup of milk to the warm water. Lactic acid in the milk loosens dead skin.
- Apply cuticle remove to the base of each nail and rub in. Wait for a minute and then using an orangewood stick, slowly push the skin back where it meets the nail.
- Use cuticle nippers to trim loose skin. Do not cut your toe flesh.
- Use an exfoliating body or foot scrub and a foot file or a wet pumice stone and remove the dead on the balls and heels of your feet. The idea is the smooth and not the remove. If your foot is turning bright red then stop. This means that you are scrubbing too hard.
- Dry your feet thoroughly including between the toes and apply nourishing foot cream. Rub the feet and rehydrate cuticles by rubbing a little cuticle oil.
- Use an acetone remover to get rid of the extra oils on the nails. Apply a thin base coat and using three strokes, one down the middle and one on each side. Do not paint cuticles. Apply three coats totally and then apply a thin topcoat. Use orangewood stick wrapped in cotton dipped in nail polish remover to remove excess nail polish.
- Let your nails dry completely before you wear shoes.
Nail Manicure.
Your nails need to be taken care of too. Giving your nails a manicure is a good way to take care of them and pamper them. Given below are the steps to achieve the perfect manicure at home.
- To begin with remove all traces of your nail polish. Use as many cotton balls as needed.
- Use a nail file or an emery board to shape your nails. File in one direction only. Do not use the seesaw motion. To shorten the nail, use the course side of the emery board first and finish with the finely textured side.
- Work on your nails carefully and with respect. Do not go overboard with your manicure.
- To check if your nails are well done run your nails over a pair of old pantyhose. Your nails should not snag the hose.
- Apply cuticle remover cream and gently push back the cuticles using a cotton bud. Never cut your cuticles. Massage away dead skin using circular movements.
- Apply hand lotion and massage your palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will improve blood circulation. Work your way all over your hand and repeat with your other hand.
- Before you paint your nails, clean them with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton and dipped in nail polish remover and rub over the surface of the nail. Remove any creamy residue, if there is none then you can polish your nails.
- While polishing your nails being in the center of your nail. Paint one stroke down the center and then the sides of the nail. You should paint a nail in three strokes. Let it dry completely before applying the second coat.
- Apply color after your nails are completely dry. Use a base coat before applying nail polish. Then apply a color of your choice and do not apply a new coat before the previous one dries. You should apply three coats of color. After applying color apply topcoat and it will give added protection and help your nail color to last longer without chipping.
- Store nail polish in the fridge. To prevent the cap from sticking apply a little vaseline around it.
Tips On Hand Care.
Your hands are precious they are the best tools that you have. They undergo a lot of wear and tear as a result of day-to-day work. Washing dishes, gardening, exposure to heat and cold are some of the things that have an adverse effect on the skin of your hands. Here are few tips on hand care.
- Wear gloves while working in and around the house.
- Make time for regular manicures.
- Eat a diet rich in Vitamins A, B Complex and C (to nourish the skin) and calcium, iodine, magnesium and zinc to make your nails long and strong.
- Massage rich nourishing cream for five minutes every night to keep your hands soft and supple.
- Use a cream that helps to reduce age spots and fine wrinkles.
- If you have dry and brittle nails, soak them in almond oil.
Tips On Nail Care.
It important to have healthy nails. The color of your nails is an indicator of your general health. Your nails are a part of your body too so you must take good care of them. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your nails.
- Healthy nails are transparent and look pink in color as a result of the blood beneath them.
- If you wear nail polish on a regular basis then, take them off for a day or two every week, in order to let your nails breath.
- Add shine to your nails by massaging coconut oil or warm castor oil on to them.
- If you do not like nail polish then apply dry soap to your nail and buff or use lemon peel for a similar result.
- Dip a cotton-tipped swab in hydrogen peroxide to clean under the nails and whiten them.
- Before giving yourself a manicure dip your nails in a cup of warm water with one tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Put your fingertips in half a lemon and twist your finger back and forth to clean the cuticles and nails.
How To Sound Proof Your Car? Noise Blocking Tips And Materials.
Bonnet insulators
– these comprise foam rubber backed on one side by a woven cloth (or aluminised polyester) and on the other with pressure adhesive. As the name suggests, they’re suitable for mounting under bonnets and also under bootlids.
Noise barriers
– these materials use compressed layers of cotton-waste (or similar) sandwiching a thin layer of bitumen. They’re used both to absorb noise and also to prevent noise transmission. They can be mounted on the firewall within the cabin (ie under the carpet), under the boot carpet and behind the rear seat in booted sedans. This noise insulation is held in place with applied contact adhesive.
Anti-vibration materials
– these insulators comprise low resonance (acoustically ‘dead’) materials which are designed to stop panel vibration. In use they’re glued to the panels. It is important that the join between the insulator and the panel is continuous, with large amounts of contact adhesive therefore needed.
Sound Proofing starts with some means of damping. A number of products are available for this, and they all have various degrees of effectiveness. The best results are always obtained from using a combination of these products. There are mats, sprays, foams, and insulation available from a number of manufacturers
Mats are usually either Styrene-Butyadine-Rubber or asphaltic sheets backed with an adhesive of some type (although other materials are used in some cases). Installing mats in your vehicle is a simple way to reduce vibration, and is effective as well. The way mats work is that they are used to cover panels. The material they are made of absorbs vibrations in the panels, and turns them into heat, or it may simply lower the resonant frequency of the panel. Mats can also be placed between panels to reduce the amount of vibration between the two panels when they are in close contact. Many times, the mats will also have a metal foil backing to improve the heat resistance of the matting (thus allowing you to use it in an engine compartment). The matting also adds weight to a panel, reducing it’s tendency to vibrate in the first place. Some of the more popular mats are Dynamat and Road Kill, but there are alternatives.
Foams come in two forms: Sheets of foam, and foam sprays. The sheets of foam are used much like mats are; They are laid over panels to reduce and absorb vibration. Unlike mats, which absorb the vibration and convert it to heat energy, foam sheets disperse the vibrations throughout, reducing its total energy. Foam sprays are used to fill in crevices. As they dry (or rather, cure), they expand slightly, pressing against the nearby panels. The individual cells help to disperse energy away from the vibrating panel, and absorb them. Foams can be expensive as well, and there is a low cost alternative here, as well. The first is Styrofoam©, which can be obtained in a spray can. Styrofoam© is the brand name for the polystyrene foam we are all familiar with (and somewhat annoyed by at times). The fumes given off by Styrofoam© are noxious, and many communities have laws banning its use due to environmental concerns. Another alternative is insulating foams like Great Stuff©, which is used in home construction. Great Stuff© is cheap, fireproof when cured, and readily available at any hardware store for about three dollars a can. Great Stuff© is also shapeable when it cures, and can be used to smooth sharp corners. The downside to Great Stuff©, like Ice Guard, is that it is messy. Once Great Stuff© is sprayed on upholstery, your clothes, your skin, etc, it’s all over. You hands will be stiff and sticky for days, if not weeks, and your clothes are forever ruined. Great Stuff© also expands voraciously, so spray it carefully.
Finally, there is insulation. Jute is the most common insulation. It is laid under carpets in both cars and houses, and is basically a thick mat of fibers which absorb sound. Though less effective than the other methods, it adds a plushness to carpets, and has very good thermal insulation. Micro Jute is recommended, because it’s much thinner than jute, and has about the same level of effectiveness. Jute or Micro Jute can be gotten from a number of manufacturers, and is available at any carpet supply store.
First of all sponge is not gonna work. If you want to DIY super cheap, get the Insuflex from KHGuan (I think RM15+ a large sheet) and cable tie the thing (or glue it). If you want a medium alternative go to KFAudio and ask them to use Sikadamp (RM30 a piece) or go to Soundblok and ask them to quote on their stuff. If you want ultimate dampening get Dynamat Extreme which sells from RM60 to RM100 a piece and front doors only required 3 pieces to cover (meaning approx 6 to 7 pieces for 4 doors).
Otherwise mix and match. Doors use Dynamat, floor use soundblok, roof use Insuflex, bonnet use Insuflex, Boot use Dynamat.
Up to you.. it’s all good.
As for rust, there’s no guarantee on the glue whether it’ll rust or not. But Dynamat, Sikadamp, soundblok and many of those bitumen-based-stick-on stuff don’t cause rust. Insuflex is just a spongy type of material and needs to have something to keep it there.
That audiotech fischer stuff is good stuff too. But obviously for that price you have many other options. The most important difference is that paste is not removable. Dynamat extreme and Sika and all are removable.